
Posts Tagged ‘across-t-pond’


This interesting article about TWITTER was on the BBC today, which I thought I would share.

Twitter followers ‘can be bought’

Twitter users who lack an audience for their messages can now buy followers.

Australian social media marketing company uSocial is offering a paid service that finds followers for users of the micro-blogging service.

Followers are available in blocks starting at $87 (£53) for 1,000. The biggest block uSocial is selling is 100,000 people.

USocial said businesses and individuals were queuing up to use its follower finding service.

Find and follow

Leon Hill, chief executive of uSocial, said the company finds potential followers by searching Twitter and working out what individual users are interested in. It also profiles where people are so it can more closely match users with those they might want to follow.

USocial then sends messages to potential followers telling them about the new Twitter user they might want to follow.

“It’s up to the user to follow them or not,” said Mr Hill. He added that uSocial continues to look for followers until the specified number had signed up.

USocial has about 150 customers that had bought followers and had another 80-90 campaigns about to roll out.

A broad range of clients had signed up to buy followers, said Mr Hill including educational organisations, companies and marketing firms.

“A woman who runs yoga classes is one of our clients,” he said. “So are some religious organisations including one man that just wants to get the word out about God.”

“Twitter started as a way for just friends to keep in touch,” said Mr Hill. “As with any social media site once they get big, every business or marketer jumps on the bandwagon.

“It’s an excellent marketing medium,” he said.

USocial estimated that each follower on Twitter was worth about 10 cents a month to a company that got them to sign up. The money would be made from adverts and sales on websites that followers click through to.

Robin Goad, a research director at Hitwise who has analysed Twitter growth, said businesses were definitely starting to sign up to the micro-blogging service.

“At the moment, it’s mainly media and internet content businesses,” he said. “Transactional companies are struggling to find a way to drive real pounds and dollars from it.

“Companies are building up as many followers as they can and trying to monetise them in the future,” he added.

The growing commercial use of Twitter was presenting the network with a few problems, said Mr Goad.

In particular, he said, Hitwise was starting to see the hijacking of hashtags – labels that bring all the messages about a subject together.

In late June, furnishings firm Habitat used tags associated with protests in Iran to attempt to drive people to its site. The firm has since apologised for its actions.

Some Twitter users were also starting to send out messages that are only about a product or service – effectively spam, said Mr Goad.

“Twitter is becoming one of the key viral channels,” he said.

Twitter might cope better with the creeping commercialisation than other social media sites, he said.

“It’s interesting in the way it has developed,” said Mr Goad. “Hashtags and re-tweets have developed organically rather than been designed from the top down.

“One advantage it has over other services is that it can change quickly if hashtags become a polluted medium and it might keep one step ahead of the spammers,” he said.

“We’ve yet to see people defecting to the next big thing.”

Author of Young Adult Romance/Fiction book
“Across the Pond”

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The bookings are coming in thick and fast, the guests that appear on a show have all really enjoyed themselves. In fact many have chatted on with me after the show for almost an hour. I have received loads if emails and comments from people who enjoy the easy style of the friendly chat over a cup of tea.

Let’s face it that is what it is all about. I’m no literary genius, no library or book buff. I’m a person who likes to have a chat, who loves to have a laugh and who’s aim is to make the show interesting got all people who listen during or after the show.

Any way I thought I’d share with you, what or rather who is coming om the show over the next few weeks.

While perhaps some of the names might not mean anything now, look out for details nearer the time, and enjoy each and every radio show.

June 9th Wendy Wax
June 13th Irene Watson
June 16th I Heart Monster (blogger)
June 20th Joan Early
June 23rd Nancy Thayer
June 27th Kim Smith
June 30th Alley – (Humor and pencaps blog)
July 4th No Show – Subfest
July 7th Sandee Sgarlata – The Day After Tomorrow,”
July 11th David Liss
July 14th Susan Chodak
July 18th No Show – Capa Avon
July 21st Barbara Bonfigli
July 25th Karina Spencer
July 28th Pat McDermott
Aug 1st Tina Howe
Aug 4th Lanaia Lee
Aug 8th Brian Sandell
Aug 11th Alycia Ripley
Aug 15th Chamein Canton
Aug 18th Douglas Abrams
Aug 22nd Barbara Bretton
Aug 25th Randy Sue Coburn
Aug 29th J.R. Hauptman


Author of Young Adult Romance/Fiction book
“Across the Pond”

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Today I was a guest at WXCI 91.7 radio station at Western Connecticut State University broadcasting to a large part of Connecticut. Yesterday I was on my show “A Book and a Chat” I chatted to a Louise Shaffer winner of an Emmy award and now publishers of several books including her latest novel “Serenipity”

One show I was the guest, the other the host, both shows I enjoyed equally.

These days the sitting in book shops all day for handful of people to stop to see what your doing or in many cases giving away have been overtaken by the internet. You can reach all around the world with one blog, one pod cast, one interview. And in doing that reach the people who really are interested in your book, your writing.

The other thing is… Blogs, Pod Radio, Web interviews, all these can be for FREE!!!

When I started my blog radio show “A BOOK AND A CHAT” I did not know how popular it would become. Within a few weeks I was booked for 3 months ahead, so much so, that I started a second program on a Wednesday and that is already becoming full for several months ahead.

Unlike some chat radio shows, I try not to make it sound like a librarian lecture, more as I tell me guests, like “sitting down chatting over a cup of tea of coffee”.

From the response and feed back I have received it seems like I am doing a fairly good job.

Check it out for yourself at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Across-the-Pond

It does not matter if your a guest or a host, you can enjoy yourself, be part of the show, don’t expect things to be done for you, be ready to go that extra mile to keep the show flowing. If your a whose Google your a host find out a little about them that others don’t know. If your a guest be ready to share general chat and information not just repeat about your book over and over again. Here are a couple of hints for running a blog radio show.


To check your setting dial in number etc… Go to your radio page and click on


One of the options you will see on the left hand side is


Click and that and you will see your details the ones you need to use is

Host Number: (646) 200-4444
Host Pin: 7518763221

You dial in using the host number, your then ask for your pin which you put in.

Once you are logged on you will see on the right hand side the switchboard and you’ll see something like 111-1111 as host on the top that is you.

Underneath you’ll see any guests you have, normally their phone number.

When you are ready to talk to the guest remember to unblock that person microphone under “on the air” if not you’ll not hear (like happened the other night to me as a guest, until I messaged the host). “Call Muted should be set to “unmuted”.

When you are nearing the end of your interview, there will be a two minutes to go count down. What I normally do is a couple of minutes before the end hand over to your guest to let everybody know about their site, book etc.

Couple of Tips.

Make a note of your guests’ phone number. When the show has finished disconnect your phone then call the person back after. If you don’t the recording keeps going and your after show chat is there for all to hear lol as I found out.

Ask your guest to sign in a few minutes before hand so you can chat about the format of the show.

Be prepared with some backup chat just in case the guest drops off or turns up late.

Make sure you do your home work, check blogs, web pages etc to find out about your guest and if possible some weird/funny questions about them.

Tip from Kim Smith friend and radio host:

After saying goodbye to my guest, I mute their line, and close the show. They usually hang up before show ends anyway, so I am okay. It helps me to let them off about one minute before show ends

Don’t forget… it’s all advertising, and in nearly all cases it’s free!

Barry Eva (Storyheart)
Author of “Across the Pond”
Book Site:http://across-t-pond.com

Daily blog at: http://acrossthepond-storyheart.blogspot.com
Blog Talk Radio Show at :http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Across-the-Pond
Amazon Reviews: http://tinyurl.com/o7sokp

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Tuesdays blog is normally the time I get to update people about up and coming radio show guests, some of the latest interviews and reviews and some weird news from Across the Pond.


I have started the last few weeks to make my Monday blog an interview with one of the young bloggers or as I now call them the “Sham Wow” of Teen/Ya fiction. After a wonderful, radio interview with “Greenbeanteenqueen” last Saturday Mondays blog guest was Zoe from “Zoe’s Book Reviews”. I already have several more bloggers signed up either for radio of blog interviews.

Tomorrow (Wednesday) on “A BOOK AND CHAT” I have Soap star turned author Luise Shaffer as my guest 6:30pm EST at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Across-the-Pond

I have also just signed an option that will now allow my POD books to be sold with “bye back” which means they can now be available in “normal book stores” not just online.


A fresh review on Amazon taking my total there to 69.. even as I check to post the interview I find another fresh arrival taking my total up to 70!!!!!

“Across the Pond by the author Storyheart was an enjoyable book and I found it a pleasure to read. It was fun and entertaining to read. Fred had lots to learn about the different words and expressions in the American English language which was kind of funny to read. This is a perfect novel for the young adult and teen genres who will enjoy the book as much as I have as an adult reading the book. I look forward to reading more of Storyheart’s books.”

“This was a very pleasant book to read, I enjoyed the budding romance between the two characters and tip my hat to the author for keeping their romance sweet and touching and resisting the urge to make it too grownup.

Obviously the book is aimed at a junior high to high school audience, but I found my 30 year old self laughing and sighing at the two main characters as their feelings for each other developed.

The author does a great job of building a romance while maintaining a lighthearted vibe with plenty of laughs at the differences between us Americans and our cousins “across the pond.”

I would happily recommed this book to family and friends and encourage my local school’s library to add it to their shelves! “


This week there are two peices of news from China, both related and showing you just how quickly news can change.

Sunday last is was announced.

China is building what is billed as its first sex theme park, aimed at improving both the sex education and the sex life of its visitors.

Due to open in Chongqing in October, Love Land will include displays of giant genitalia, naked bodies and an exhibition on the history of sex…
Among the attractions is a giant rotating statue of the lower part of a nearly naked woman.


Then on Monday, the very next day new headlines…

China Sex Theme Park Demolished

China’s first sex theme park, aimed at improving both the sex education and the sex life of its visitors, has been torn down before it even opened.


Talk about ever changing news

That’s it for this week, more weird news next Tuesday

Author of Young Adult Romance/Fiction book
“Across the Pond”

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It has been six months since my book Across the Pond (by Storyheart) was published. So much has happened in that time, am I a published author?

Today while checking out I contest came across the ruling definition of what was classed as a published author.

“We are using Romance Writers of America guidelines to determine publishing status. Anyone who has either: “(1) earned at least $1,000 in the form of an advance on a single novel or novella published by a non-subsidy, non-vanity publisher; or (2) who has earned at least $1,000 in the form of royalties or a combination of advance plus royalties on a single published novel or novella published by a non-subsidy, non-vanity publisher” is considered a published author and is not eligible to enter the contest.”

So have I made $1000? No…
Did I get an advance of $1000? No…

So I guess I don’t class as a published author.

Perhaps if I was Barack Obama writing details of what went on behind the scenes on the campaign trail. Margaret Thatcher on her years with Dennis, or Secrets of the next Harry Potter file. Perhaps if I detailed how Hulk Hugan’s agent turned down the chance to promote the now “George Foreman” grill, choosing instead to put the Hulksters name to a now long forgotten food mixer. I might then be classed as an published author.

So what has happened in my 6 months?

Well I’ve won a couple of awards, I have coming up to a hundred reviews, over sixty on Amazon alone. I’ve chatted to people all over the world during a wonderful fun virtual book tour, made many new friends, been on radio and TV shows, visited schools and had lot’s of fun.

People of all ages have enjoyed “Across the Pond”, sharing their comments and encouragement through reviews, messages, blogs and emails. Even being compared with such great authors as Judy Blume.

So do I describe myself a published author?


Author of Young Adult Romance/Fiction book
Across the Pond

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Puss in Books, library cat and a blog chat with Diane Tegarden

Today’s fun BBC link, will appeal to all writers…

Puss in Books, library cat…



Tonight’s radio show was a “BOOK AND A CHAT with Diane Tegarden”… it was very interesting as well as great fun.

Listen to the program and hear all about her writing from A self help divorce book to her latest Science Fiction novel, and how walking over fire help her life.

You can check this interesting show three ways:

You can download the information from


Or it’s available at my blog spot


or where tonight’s show was at



Author of Young Adult Romance/Fiction book
Across the Pond

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Wednesday’s Radio Show Guest is Diane Tegarden

“A BOOK AND A CHAT with Diane Tegarden” – Wednesday 6:30pm (est):

Diane Tegarden has written books the range from Divorce Self Help through poetry to her latest offering “Anti-Vigilante and The Rips in Time”, a bang up sci-fi adventure novel set in the far, far future>

Tune in to “A BOOK AND A CHAT” on Wednesday Evening to hear about this multi-talented lady and how a five hour seminar which included walking on fire changed her life.

“Book and Chat” Saturday May 2nd 11:00am (est)guest will be Lanaia Lee

Today’s BBC Weird News Snippet.

Bullet bounces off US woman’s bra


Author of Young Adult Romance/Fiction book
Across the Pond

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You can hear my radio interview with Beth Fehlbaum and truly inspirational lady


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Across the Pond a
young adult romance book by Storyheart:

News, views and reviews of me Storyheart and my young adult
romance, romance or whatever you want to call it book Across the Pond.

Yesterdays aired radio interview I had several weeks ago
with Don McCauley on THE AUTHORS SHOW proved very popular. I forgot to post
yesterday the review that Don Gave me and my book

An excellent
story about teens, young love and what really happens “Across the Pond”.
When fifteen year old Fred crosses the Atlantic to visit the States he’s

astonished to find out that while people might not change very
much across international borders, the language and food are another story
altogether. Before long he’s struggling to figure out the

difference between a condom and an eraser (rubbers in both
languages), taking on a bully and

falling head over heels in love with Brit-a young woman with
her own battles to fight.

This book is a hilarious look at culture shock even when you
both speak the same language and a

fresh look at the ins and outs of teenage romance. Readers
will love laughing along with Fred as he finds out what it really means to be
an American.

I am
actively seeking more radio and where possible TV interviews as these I find
really enjoyable


Not counting the review from Don at Tbeauthorsshow I
received another at Amazon this now takes my Amazon total up to almost 50 with
at leat another 15 not poted no their but on blogs etc.

read for adults and teenagers alike, March
5, 2009


Laura Wheeler – See
all my reviews

This is a great book that I hope to pass on to my daughters
when they get old enough to read it. It’s a sweet, innocent love story of an
American girl and an English boy. It is well-written and engaging. At times,
especially at the beginning, there’s too much of an emphasis on the differences
between English and American life. Overall, though, this is a very good book
that is worth the read.

I did think it kind of funny the bit about the
American/English as this is one of the main themes that runs through the book
but at least Laura enjoyed the book.

Several more books have gone out for review and I am also
trying to book the first two months of my radio show to get that up and

Talking about Radio ShowI am now making bookings for my
weekly radio show A BOOK AND A CHAT with

To be on air every Saturday at 11am EST. I will if people
cant make the time also pre record a show or two to be played on the next
available date


Saturday March 7th A BOOK AND A CHAT with Kim Smith

Saturday March 14th A BOOK AND A CHAT with Dorothy Thompson

Saturday March21st I
am waiting on replies from some bloggers for this date

Saturday March28th I
am waiting on replies from some bloggers for this date

Is more a general chat over a cup of tea than a literary
show going into depths of books and writing styles. It is for enjoyment, a
couple of laughs and the latest news on the book you’ve written or read. Not
only will I have authors talking about their books, or their virtual tours, but
I want to get bloggers to come on and tell everybody about their blogs, what
they are reading or have just read, even what is in their book case.

I have visited quiet a few such blogs, many run by teenagers
which cover a huge variety of books and provide some wonderful incite from the
people these books were actually written for.

If you are interested in appearing on A BOOK AND A CHAT
please email me at



I start my radio
shows this Saturday my first one is with a fellow writer and radio host Kim

– 11:00 AM

A Book and a Chat with Kim Smith

A chat with author Kim Smith about her
new book, how she writes and how her resent tour went


Across the Pond by
Storyheart. Is a young adult fiction novel with believable characters,
exciting events, humor, first love, education and a little sport thrown in for
good measure, this is a book for all ages.

Storyheart (Barry Eva)


Dont Forget. Spread the word. You can follow my tour on
my blog at


Across the Pond



Barry Eva (Storyheart)Author of “Across the Pond” Book Site: http://ping.fm/iCjjP
Blog: http://ping.fm/QElfc

The author Storyheart shows his obvious background as a writer of
romance stories and does a masterful job of adapting the genre to a
juvenile audience. However, despite the target age group, I believe
that readers of all ages will be drawn to the characters in this book
and the strength that they show through a wide range of emotional

The compelling story created by the author will quickly separate across the pond from the pack.Amazon and Reviews: http://ping.fm/pDbZx

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